Dec 23, 2021
Many empathy-driven, gifted, and sensitive people are reluctant to start businesses or show up in their work until they feel like they're an expert. They want to give the best value that they can provide only until they feel deserving enough.
In this episode, Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik discuss overcoming imposter syndrome and refraining from seeking perfection to achieve your life's purpose.
Key points covered in this episode:
[00:02:56] You don't have to be the highest level expert in the whole world. You get to be an expert by practicing, and that's why it's called a "practice".
[00:05:01] We can't use learning & passion for growth as an excuse for not wanting to start. Take the time to think or write down everything that you are good at. What does that look like?
[00:08:04] One thing that is really hard to see is what you're naturally good at. It probably comes so easy to you that you don't even think it's even worth teaching.
[00:09:36] Imposter syndrome is comparing yourself to somebody who's 20 levels above you but ignoring the people 20 levels lower than you that you could already be serving.
[00:12:06] A big part of learning is by doing and serving. Your game will naturally keep evolving, and your clients will keep growing.
[00:12:28] When you allow self-doubt to stop you in your tracks, that becomes a tragedy. The world awaits your gifts, and the people you are meant to serve are coming... if you step out and own your greatness.
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